Since the pandemic it has been challenging to meet in person. If you know of a place that can accommodate up to 100 women for a nominal fee, please let us know! It is so much fun to gather together for a glass of wine or a slice of pie and hear both about new nominees and get a report from the program selected in the previous quarter.
Meanwhile, we have partnered with Grapevine, a non-profit entity supporting giving circles like ours (link below). A summary of 2-3 candidates is emailed to the group and posted on Grapevine each quarter: January, April, July, and October. Members who are committed to writing a check - regardless of which candidate is selected - may vote once. Votes are accepted for two weeks. The votes are tallied and the winner is announced via email and Grapevine to all members.
Please be prepared to donate $100 directly to the organization selected either by mail to the address below or by credit/debit card on Grapevine. 100 WWC does not have a bank account. When all the checks are gathered, a group of women (all are welcome) present all of the checks together. Our goal is to present at least 100 checks for $100 dollars each = $10,000.00